E-learning for educators
The role of eLearning is not to replace the traditional classroom based education. Its role is to supplement it for enhanced and effective learning.
Control the e-learning activities of all your class students
Automatic progress monitoring of each class student.
Students can access the e-learning content on their smart phones, tablets or computers.
Video lectures, chapter tests, model tests, past papers, progress monitoring for students
One click sharing of student's result with parents on sms.
No data entry required. All data generated automatically.
Verified content. As per syllabus and paper pattern.
Reliable and economical solution for educators.
Attract more students
Our surveys have revealed that the parents and students consider the e-learning platform as a big value addition. Your students will benefit in a big way when they use our E-learning tools for their studies. This in turn would attract more students to your institute.
Helps build reputation
Use of e-learning tools along with traditional methods of teaching is a modern concept in coaching sector. Students and parents would soon realize that your institute is providing extra benefits and services. This would help you create a good reputation amongst your students and parents.
Reduced overheads
You don't have to worry about Question paper setting, conducting tests, checking etc. All these tasks are automated once you start using our e-learning tools.
Greater insights of your students
Every time a student is active on our e-learning platform, our system automatically collects the user data related to the studies. This data is then automatically analyzed by our advanced algorithms and the system can very precisely tell the subject and the chapter where a student lags. This data is also available for the educator and student to see and act.
Video lectures to supplement learning/revision
The online video lectures act as an enhancement to classroom learning. The video lectures can be accessed by the students at any time and at any place and act as an alternate means of learning and revision.
Easy result sharing with parents
A single click is what it takes to deliver the assessment results of an entire class to parents via sms.
Reliable and economical solution
Our aim is to provide a reliable and economically feasible e-learning platform to all educators. No matter how big or small student count you have. We have a solution for all your learning needs.
We’re here to help - call today for account set-up & support from Patshala.com
Contact us
Email : support@patshala.com
Phone : +91-9152011104
Frequently asked questions
Students can access chapter-wise video lectures, attempt chapter based MCQ tests, attempt past and model tests, see test results and performance reports
Educators can create accounts on the e-learning platform for their students and teachers, grant various administrative rights to the teachers, check the performance reports and test results of each student, know the comparative ranks of students, lock and unlock the assessments for students, send test results to parents.
Is the content on the website correct?
Yes. All the content on the website undergoes multiple rounds of checking before it is available for the students.
Are there any free mock tests for the students to try?
Yes, there are a number of free tests which a student can try.
How many times can my students access a video lecture and attempt a test?
Any test can be attempted any number of times. There is no restriction on the number of attempts. Similarly any video lecture can be viewed any number of times.
You will have to contact our customer support team for creating an educator's account on our website.
What is the cost and how to make the payment?
The cost depends upon the course and number of student accounts you wish to buy. Payment can be made by online bank transfer or cheque.
When will my account get active after I have made the payment?
It generally takes about an hour for the educators account to get activated after the payment has been made.
I have no knowledge of online payment. Is there an alternate way?
Yes, you can pay by offline methods also. To know more please contact our support team.
Contact us
Email : support@patshala.com
Phone : +91-9152011104