Troubleshoot :
If the tests given on our site are not working properly or in unexpected manner on your computer, then please try the below mentioned steps to fix the problem.
(1) Delete the browsing history and cookies of your browser :
Depending upon which browser you use, you can use the below mentioned steps for clearing the browsing history and cookies of your browser.
Internet Explorer :
1.Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click the Tools button. This will open the tools menu.
3. In the tools menu point to "Safety" , and then click "Delete browsing history".
4.Select the Cookies and website data check box, and then click Delete.
Chrome :
1.Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
2.Select Tools.
3.Select Clear browsing data.
4.In the dialog that appears, select the checkboxes for the types of information that you want to remove.
5.Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete. Select beginning of time to delete everything.
6.Click Clear browsing data.
You can also search on for steps to clear browsing history and cookies from your computer.
(2) Try using a different browser :
The tests on our site will run on any of the following browsers
- Internet Explorer
- Mozilla firefox
- Chrome
- Opera
If you are facing any problems in attempting the tests on our site or if the tests are not running in expected manner, then you can try attempting the tests in a different browser.
If there is no other browser installed on your machine, you can download it over the internet. All these browsers are available for free.